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you didn't explain the code, you made loads of spelling errors (it's LIBRARY, not "libary") and you didn't provide examples of how this could be useful in a game.

horrible tutorial. nice try, though.

David3000 responds:

i did provide some examples of how to use it in a game(the live dress up and add like a cinema or sumthing) plus im dislecksic so at least im trying! i can spell most word rite.

definitely a great actionscript tutorial.

i didn't find any of it helpful, because i already know it, but i can tell that it would be helpful if i was less experienced in flash. i love how you didn't stray to "COPY AND PASTE THIS IT WORKS CUZ IM AWESOME LOL" and you sticked to teaching code.

i noticed a mistake in the advanced section, though. i dunno if anyone pointed this out, but arrays are zero-indexed, so Array[0] would point to the first element, not Array[1]. great job on the rest of it, though. i liked the inclusion of debugging and classes. i don't think many people include that in their actionscript tutorials, so it's good that you did.

i skimmed the beginner bit to see if you would actually teach the concept of coding, rather than arbitrary easy scripts, and lo and behold...you did. more people need to see this tutorial before they go on the flash forum, whining about why their code doesn't work, or "CAN U GUYS CODE MY GAME 4 ME LOLZ"

also, at the end of the advanced tutorial, i couldn't click the "menu" button...unless that was just intended to bring up the navigation thing. i think a menu button would have been a bit better than three buttons with numbers on it, but that's a very petty gripe and i'm not holding it against you.

all in all, excellent tutorial.

(also, i looked back in some of the reviews...i must say, i enjoyed your response to IaReFrEaKeeee. some people just don't seem to get that this isn't a silly comment box \: )

johnfn responds:

Heh, I never encountered the 'menu' issue, but as for the Array thing... I'm not exactly how that bug slipped through :) I think it was from my Visual Basic days... Ah, that language taught me so many bad habits ;)

Thank yee for the review.

not bad.

this tutorial is more informative than most others, but for all the wrong reasons. you're essentially just telling us to disregard how the portal is supposed to work and vote based on if it will survive or not, rather than if you like it or not.

highwatermark responds:

Hmm interesting. Why are all the critics coming at such a fast rate at such an interesting time?

Thanks for the review.

great game! (:

this is a very original concept, and pulled off very well. the graphics are crisp and stylish, the game plays very well, and it's fun.

i didn't see any bugs, and i liked the small details like how certain people go faster. like the fat japanese kid waddles around, and the ninja runs through. very cool.

very fun. i got #52 on the scoreboard >_> i think my only complaints were that 1) the kids who were far away would still run after becoming visible. perhaps you should have made 3 'zones', one for scaring kids and taking their candy, another for the kids to run off when they see you, and one that isn't affected by your visibility. just a suggestion, and 2) the screaming sounds were somewhat low quality and got annoying after hearing them a dozen and a half times.

very fun game, i'm disappointed at the low score. i guess me and my 7.06 voting power will have to fix that :P

Hazard-Productions responds:

lol.. the japanese kid was supposed to be a kid in one of those inflatable sumo costumes.

hahaha, well done, guys :P

darkfire, i told you everything i will be saying in here, but since authorblues isn't on msn, i may as well review this :P

first off, the graphics. the art in this was minimalistic, but was still oozing with style. i really, really, really, really, really, really liked it :P

style: i covered this before, graphics-wise, but there are other things that i think fit under style. particularly, the humor. according to darkfire_blaze, authorblues, you wrote all of the stuff in here (except one joke he told me about). your sense of humor is very clever, witty, wry, subtle, but above all, funny. i'll go more in detail in the humor section.

sound: not much sound. i did like the music and the bell ringing o_o

violence: uh, i suppose waid flump FALLING TO HIS DEATH counts as violence. :P

interactivity: i did not find one bug. excellent work. also, the controls were easy and it was kept simple and fun. however, i do wish you included directions for the inventory in the instructions. when i obtained the yo-yo after i got the guard's uniform, i thought i lost it. but i moused over the arrow and ALAS, it worked.

humor: my god, i loved this aspect. nothing was really like "BLARGH, A JOKE!", it was all very subtle and very funny. i caught nearly all the jokes (except that "strawberryclock, you are one thrifty customer." one. i didn't notice the spongebob connection until darkfire_blaze pointed it out :P). the fact that you made me walk across the map multiple times for nothing would have frusterated many people, but i recognized your subtle attempt at humor, and it worked. i found it funny that i had to walk all that way for some stupid quest. this isn't sarcasm, by the way (: i liked how it referenced back-tracking in many games.
however, one thing really INFURIATED me (not really). i played through once without doing that phoenix down thing (would that count as an easter egg?), and dfblaze told me something special would happen. so i gave you the benefit of the doubt and totally replayed it. i gained a non-existant level. that kind of annoyed me, but i still found it funny because i did all that for nothing.

excellent job, you two. you ought to work on games more often (:

(by the way, mr. authorblues. may i have the honor of mustering a response from you on this humble review? :P)

authorblues responds:

glad you liked the humor. we have been talking about making an rpg for a while, and this was just a good excuse. expect this same engine being rehashed in a FULL game, complete with a bit of combat and experience systems.

congratulations for getting to level NaN. hahaha...

and i believe the term you are looking for is "garnering", such as "may i have the honor of garnering a response from you".

"check out my awesome flash!"

i dont see any. all you seem to have is this tutorial. where's your awesome flash?

cold, hard truth aside, this tutorial was just terrible. your tutorials arent helpful at all, especially the walking and easy game ones. you can just say "think of an idea like johnny rocketfingers and program a button to do the stuff lolz" and expect that to actually inspire people to do anything except give a blank stare at the screen, wondering if they can ge their wasted time back. the walking one was equally bad. you cant even animate it right, seeing as you cant even put your layers in the right place (the topmost arm goes under the leg). whoops. i guess this is just more cold, hard, truth. oh well!

no one is biased against tutorial makers. its just your tutorial is absolutely terrible |:

Hi-dud responds:

Well, your pretty dumb. I think you should think about what your going to say before doing it. You had some pretty stupid things out in that review. Like, "cold, hard truth aside, this tutorial was just terrible. your tutorials arent helpful..." You just said all I have is this ONE tutorial, so why did you say "tutorials"? underline the s. And about the game thing, what the fuck does this mean? "and expect that to actually inspire people to do anything except give a blank stare at the screen,...", so your saying, when people read the text, which you had just stated was there, they stare at a blank screen? Boy, you should make a tutorial on how to sound retarded. If you think a tutorial that had to be made within 4 days 'cause not being a stupid spoiled man-whore, doesn't allow me to buy anything I want. I am very suprised that I am fortunate enough to have this computer. Although giving you many personal attacks, thanks for telling me my layering wasn't peach perfect. I wish I could change it, but my trial has ran out, and I'm not sure if I can get back the trial. By the way, what the fark is this supposed to mean "i guess this is just more cold, hard, truth...." First of all, learn some grammer m'kay? Alittle mistakes is fine, but c'mon, yhou are no good at it at all. And there is no such thing as "more truth", it's either true, or false. It can't be "more" of the truth. People today are so rude, and they only think of themselves. If I had a dollar for every mean, selfcentered person in the world, I'm sure I'd be rich... But I know I'd at least have one dollar...

mind-numbingly glitchy \:

no offense, ninja-chicken, but this game, well, really sucks. the graphics were ok, ill give you that, but the music was really boring, the physics (if you can even call them that) were abysmal, i cant tell if im hitting anything, theres some really stupid bugs (like the guy going up the wall if you jump into it), and boring level design.

i realize this was made in a week, but you know, not paying attention to detail is just not really excusable, no matter how many days you had to make this. ive done school projects that were made in 2 days that had a better turnout (visually, anyway)!

all in all, the game is a good concept, but work on the physics, sounds, and music. improve on the HUD, as well; its kinda hard to read anything.

Rustygames responds:

Yeah I agree we tried to make a big project in 5 days which was a bad idea. If we had gone for a smaller one it would have turned out alot better
Thanks for the comments

meh \:

maybe i didnt read the instructions clear enough, but on the first level (after the elevator thing), and at the biohazard box, i jumped up to get him, but he started to notice me, and there was no way to get around O_o i tried going under, but he started shooting at me, and then, i couldnt get near him because he had gotten off the box by the time i threw the smoke grenade, and was facing me. theres no apparent way to get around him if that happens...and i ran out of smoke grenades too, somehow...

ok game, but there needs to be some improvements. one major one would be an actual choking animation, coughing, gasping, etc. the rest were OK. there needs to be another method for getting rid of guards.

FrostedMuffins responds:

Be sneaky!!! If he notices you, that means you're doing something wrong! When you die, you can restart from the checkpoint and try a different approach then what you did the first time. You're not supposed to get it right the first time every time. You have 2 smoke grenades per checkpoint, and they don't carry over. I know that you use actionscript and boast about your actionscript stuff (AKA particle effects, and whatnot), so I would think that you would understand the work that went into this. The actionscript in this compared to particle effects, is WAAAAAAAYYYYY more complicated. Try programming AI. Anywho, I'm very dissapointed in a 6 from you, someone who knows actionscript. Oh well...

doesnt live up to its creepy atmosphere

there is only one real creepy one, which is the razor blade, but the others are completely ruined by a lack of animation (i know, swish sucks, but thats your fault you used it \: ) low quality sound and rushed blood drawings.

that "injection" one was also completely stupid. the trippy little background clashes terribly with the original mood...

and also, on the surgery one, you dont die once your brain gets destroyed, you stop functioning once it gets taken out. this move also ruined the mood. when you get half your head sawed off, you dont just sit there, mouth agap, you would scream in terrible agony! guh!

i havent really looked yet if it exists or whatever, but you should make a sequel to this, in FLASH. ive tried swish, and its terrible, so i commend you for making something so high quality with a crappy program, but you can do much better.

Spider13xx responds:

I think I'm completely entitled to kill my creation in any way I want WITH humor or WITHOUT. So, if I want Jimmi Hendrix to show up, then you'd damn well better believe that he will. Secondly, I obviously I wasn't going for complete anatomical accuracy (hence his misshapen body) or for complete plausibility (hence the underpants gnomes). Someone (you) obviously takes things too seriously. This wasn't meant to be E.R., it was meant to be funny/creepy/weird... and, YES, you CAN mix all those things together. So, next time I choose to keep someone alive until their brain is squashed, keep your mouth shut. Love & Kisses.

honk honk.

Stephen Lowery @Rammer

Age 34, Male

software engineer


Joined on 6/8/03

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