i feel horrible for ppl who lost loved ones from 9-11 and all, but this was a load of shit. no one whos that young would realize what happened exactly. "omg i can swing on the swing, but i miss you pushing me" "i ate your favorite dinner, even though i dont like carrots"??? thats just CORNY. the carrot part is like "i got ran over by a car even though i dont like being ran over" if you know what i mean.
im probably gonna get flamed and stuff for saying this flash is bad, but i dont care. gotta get my opinion out, whether anyone sees it or not...anyway, the graphics were mediocre at best, except the leaves were greatly drawn. this movie didnt really suck, it just wasnt good either. mediocre drawings, animation, voices, etc.
i wasnt touched AT ALL by this flash. the voice of that girl was driving me nuts, how many times did you hit your balls with a hammer to get that voice? or did your little sister do it? i didnt read the credits, i exited at that "beautiful" girlfriend part. the voice of the girl seemed unrehearsed and the volume kept fluctuating horribly.
the word to describe it is: CORNY