totally tubular \m/('.')o
i really liked this collaboration. i'm gonna go in order with each person, mmkay?
totty: yours' was my favorite of all the movies. your movie reeks with style, and 2 interesting choices of music. i really like it when it switches to "girls" by prodigy; it's exactly what i woulod have wanted to do (as in, having a guy walking, viewed from the angle you had it). perfectly executed, and a perfect movie.
tfc: your movie was great, as well. not my favorite, though. the fight scene was kind of..awkward, in my opinion. the kid's expressions looked weird, but otherwise, it was pretty cool.
bbq: yours' was my least favorite. the animation was choppy and low quality. it wasn't that funny, either \: the drawing style was simplistic, and i liked that. in the midst of all these crazily graphics-intensive movies, yours' sticks out as the "cute" one.
toxicbomb: your movie was my 2nd favorite. your style has (almost :P) always impressed me, especially the explosions. it looked better than most animated explosions on tv, that's for sure. your movie sticks out in how it is random and crazy, but still shows some intense skill you have. excellent job. i loved the expression on the purple thing.
shownhollern: if it wasn't for bbq, your movie would be my least favorite. it was short and not much happened. the graphics are excellent though. however, i think this collaboration would have been better off without your part. even the credits were longer and more interesting!